The fifth call for proposals under the Urban Innovation Initiative was opened last week. The call aims to provide urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to urban challenges. It has a budget of is approximately EUR 50 million provided by the European Regional Development Fund under four topics.
The Air Quality topic is now open for the second time. It addresses the problem that ambient air pollution is the most powerful cause of premature deaths in the European Union. Its main premise is that urban authorities are best placed to implement local measures benefiting citizen’s health and well-being and the environment.
The Circular economy topic addresses a top priority for the European Union. It derives from the idea that cities can drive the change towards more sustainable modes of production and consumption and that urban authorities have a solid experience in the field.
Culture and Cultural Heritage topic invites urban authorities to test new community-based solutions in accessibility and participation which can have a positive impact on growth and jobs, social cohesion and social inclusion.
Finally, the Demographic Change topic will fund innovative solutions to adapt to the demographic decline, to reverse demographic trends and to attract relevant economic activities and residents for sustainable urban development to counterbalance the effects of demographic decline.
The deadline for applications (accepted online only) expires on 12 December 2019 at 2pm CET. During the months of October and November there will be seminars to help applicants in the preparation of quality project proposals.