After adopting a resolution on a ban on gambling in the city last June, local authorities in the Slovak city of Nitra have finally been able to put a final nail in the vice’s coffin. Based on athe generally binding regulation, the establishment of gaming rooms and casinos in hotels, motels, boarding houses, buildings for trade and services, buildings for culture and public entertainment will be prohibited in the city of Nitra while gaming rooms will also be banned from being established in apartment buildings.
Making good on what was promised
Members of the city parliament approved a total ban on gaming and casinos in the city by a generally binding regulation last June. The main factor was the petition for a ban on gambling, which was signed by 21,524 people. After a scuffle with the courts, however, the enactment of the regulation was delayed until its final adoption in the first few weeks of December.
Of course, one of the main problems that were put forward during the debate on the ban was how the city would cope with the loss of revenue from the sites. The annual fee income was 650 thousand euros, so the players had to lose a total of 21 million euros. “So, it’s worth considering whether the 650,000 euros in the budget are worth us having to lose so many millions,” said Roman Ágh, a city councillor.
“My position is clear, nothing has changed. For me, gambling is a social, economic, family, security, urban problem. I think that every city will do without gambling,” added Mayor Marek Hattas.
Having dealt with this issue, local authorities are already on the lookout for their next big target that could ultimately improve the lives of citizens – even if they do not realize it at first.
Source: TheMayor.EU